PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya MG Railway Colony Bangalore was sanction for opening the new KV in Bangalore City was accorded on 27-07-1988 Sponsoring Authority South Western Railway Sector CIVIL. Classes and No. of Sections as per the accorded Sanction I to V with one section in each class. Date of opening the KV in accordance to the above sanction 19-09-88.
Students at Kendriya Vidyalaya have ample opportunities to participate in a variety of activities. The school takes part in games, sports, and various competitions organized locally and at the Inter-KV level by the KVS. These activities include the Mathematics Olympiad, Green Olympiad, National Level Essay and Painting Competitions, Youth Parliament, adventure activities, educational tours, exhibitions, NCC and Bharat Scouts and Guides.
The Vidyalaya embraces modern education technologies, using tools such as LED Panels, computers, LCD projectors, and interactive boards with internet facilities to prepare students for life in the 21st century skills. There are two well equipped Computer laboratories and a WI-FI campus. Over 73 computers are connected to high speed optical fiber based internet connection.
All teachers at the Vidyalaya are trained to be proficient in using modern technological aids, including computers and the internet. They facilitate technology-aided projects, helping students acquire essential 21st-century skills.